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Answers tagged viral: Page 1 of 1

Kerri form Okotoks asks:  I had a horrible flu with aches and pain.  I still have the pain and it’s 6 months later.  What should I do?

Influenza is a type of viral infection.  In some individuals, viral infections can cause muscle or joint pain.  It can even cause swelling or inflammation in the joint.  For most, this resolves over days or weeks.  For others, it can continue much longer than that.  It is important to determine if there truly is swelling within the joint, as this would change how pain is managed.  A physician or rheumatologist, by listening to your symptoms and doing an appropriate physical examination, can often determine the cause and put a treatment plan in place.

What is Rheumatology?

Rheumatologists see over 100 different types of diseases. We are known for seeing arthritis, however, we also see many other conditions.

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