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Answers tagged flu: Page 1 of 1

Ashley from Edmonton asks: Should I hold methotrexate before having a COVID19 shot or flu shot?

From a safety perspective, it is very safe to continue methotrexate while getting either of these vaccines.  There is some data to suggest that holding your methotrexate for 1-2 weeks AFTER the flu shot, and maybe the COVID shot, will make these vaccines work better.  Check with your rheumatologist if this is right for you, as there is a need to balance vaccine efficacy with disease control, and this balance may be different for every individual.


Michele from Camrose asks: I was diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease and am taking plaquenil. Should I be getting a flu shot and also I am in need of my second MMR immunization. Is it safe to proceed?

As a general rule, most vaccines are safe for those with a rheumatic disease and on treatment.  In fact, patients are encouraged to receive an annual influenza vaccination.

Caution is required for live vaccines, such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), depending on the medication you are taking.  Visit our vaccination page to find out more, but always discuss the details of your particular situation with your physician.


What is Rheumatology?

Rheumatologists see over 100 different types of diseases. We are known for seeing arthritis, however, we also see many other conditions.

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