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Answers tagged prednsione: Page 1 of 1

Gwen from Edmonton asks:  I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia rheumatica 4 years ago….took prednisone ….tapered very slowly off this summer…….now all the symptoms are back… long does this disease last?

It is common to confuse fibromyalgia and polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) – the first is a condition associated with chronic pain and can be treated with a number of non-pharmacologic options, while PMR requires low dose prednisone for approximately one year.  In most cases of PMR, a slow titrating course of prednisone is effective, although there are times when symptoms return.  For these cases, retreatment with prednisone, or the addition of steroid sparing medications, is considered.  Equally important is to review your symptoms with your physician to ensure the correct diagnosis, or change in diagnosis.

What is Rheumatology?

Rheumatologists see over 100 different types of diseases. We are known for seeing arthritis, however, we also see many other conditions.

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