Raewyn from Canada asks: How does the COVID vaccine impact those with Takayasu disease or other large vessel vasculitis?
When it comes to most of the rheumatic conditions, there have been no indicators to date that the vaccines are unsafe or do harm to your underlying disease. This would include all forms of vasculitis. That is not to say that vaccines do not have risks, but they would be rare, and are not specific to a rheumatic disease. The benefits of vaccine far outweigh their risks. This is particularly the case for those with rheumatic disease, as a COVID infection could be much worse with worse outcomes if you have an active vasculitis. Where things get more complicated is the medications used to treat our conditions, which may decrease the benefit of the vaccine. This is why a 3rd shot of the COVID vaccine has been advocated for successfully for those on most rheumatologic treatments.
Posted: October 13, 2021
Tagged: covid-19, vasculitis